Stars & Dust

And so some things never change that much.
Some things just always will remain as such.
But sometimes things get complicated, and I guess that’s the most I’ll ever see them change.
If that’s the case then I’ll accept them for what is, and not for what they aren’t.
I believe everything given will find its way back to me, one way or another.
But to me, We are always going to be like this.
Perfectly Content being strangers.
Strangers Who never quite settled.
Two people who just were, instead of being anything other.
And it doesn’t bother me so much anymore.
I just thought that before we could have been great.
We could have been awesome.
But some things just never change much anymore.
And I know they aren’t supposed to.
It just irks me how we could be so complete at times, and others so entirely distant…
I hate sleeping alone.
I just hate that feeling so.
The one thing I could have always been there for, amongst other things, was to be yours.
And to be yours held many many commitments in and of itself.
Yet, I never questioned them as so.
It never ceases to amaze me, that we could be so wild and free on our own.
And together we tried to complement one another, when in reality, we were just stars and dust floating aimlessly apart.
I tried to own you, and you tried to shine on your own.
Together we were what most call harmony, and still we detracted from what we truly saw in each others eyes that most forgo.
Lest we forget the times we’ll always remember.
I was your summer swelter, and you were my bitter december.
Together, together, we’ll always be together.
As long as time seems possible, I’ll keep this promise plausible.
It’s utterly absurd, yes, it’s a fraction of real reality.
But between the flashing sounds of energy, you caught my eye and cared for me.
We went barefoot through the rain, and shaded by the tallest trees shadows.
We lived with mother nature, and we gave back all that we borrowed.
You were my angel, my reason to stay completed.
And losing you took months of agony to forget.
But I stand here today, without a single moment of regret.
You were my anything and everything.
You were my one true and simple “thing” to behold.
I just wanted you to know this now.
Because it seems you didn’t while you still were around.

~ by AmpHarper on August 30, 2011.

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